Tools, Garden or Sports Equipment

—Sample Listing—


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Do you have any Tools (workshop/man cave), Machinery, Garden equipment or Sports gear you could offer for exchange to gain access to other members items and skills?

You could lend out your lawn mower in exchange for some eggs or vegetables…

Lend your drill, ladder or wheelbarrow. Gain access to other stuff in exchange such as getting your hair cut, house cleaning or any other service listed on Share Local.

Are you Time rich and money poor? Exchange your services in an area you have skills (gardening, bookkeeping, massage) in return for borrowing or acquiring goods (such as a surf board, table/chairs, fridge or golf clubs?

The possibilities are endless by exchanging items and skills, either permanently (ownership exchange) or temporarily (loan/borrow) with other Share Local members 🙂

Join and start listing today.