Health & Navigation Services


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In these challenging times that we suddenly find ourselves in I am offering a range of services to members who need assistance in navigating troubled waters… so to speak. CV has placed massive pressure on everyone’s lives with closures, disruption and public fear etc.

The economy is changing, into what we are not yet sure but over the next few months things may get tight financially which makes platforms like Share Local vital to enable people access to items and skills others wish to offer without need for money or other obligations in return. The services I am listing below are free for members who cannot afford them due to current events and are made available for swap to members who have items or skills they offer as a currency/energy exchange.
Please contact me via SL Messages to initiate a service request in;

Intuitive Reading – psychic reading using tarot, pendulum and intuition offering guidance and support

A-Tone-Ment – Sound healing using specific tones. You will have a set of frequencies (generally 5-7) from a selection of 144 that will be sent as an mp3 for you to listen to daily. This is using resonance to bring about energetic change to eliminate health issues and elevate your being (look up cymatics to see how sound informs matter).

IPT – Inspired Personal Transformations. (i’m not sure how this will go remotely but if you have a current issue then send me a message and we can see what i can offer from a range of healing tools and techniques.

Member:  Matt Wingard
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