What is Share Local and the Share Economy?

Share Local brings locals together to share items and skills without the need of fiat (government/corporate) money. It gives power back to the community and makes a claim of sovereignty by releasing financial dependence while creating joy, harmony and friendships.

How is Share Local different to other share platforms?

Share Local is a true Share platform. Members list items they own or skills they are competent in and offer them to other members without the need for financial exchange. The items are lent to the borrowing member for a set period of time.
The offer of exchange could include borrowing something that the borrower also has on offer (item, skill, service) or the offer can be an exchange for TCP points (our internal currency) used at a later date to borrow or attain another members items or services.
One of the big differences is the Share Local platform functions like a familiar ecommerce site and a social network in one. Members communicate directly with each other (similar to facebook messaging) to negotiate an exchange or they can attain items/services by going thru our checkout (similar to ebay/amazon) using TCP.

Is everything listed on the platform a loan or are there multiple ways to perform an exchange?

There are various ways to exchange on Share Local;
1) Items listed are offered as a loan for a set period of time, 7 days for example, and then returned to the lender in the same condition as it was lent. This is similar to how a library operates, the difference being that every members household is the library. The exchange agreement could involve the loaning of each others items on offer for a week or so.
2) Skills or services can also be offered in exchange for borrowing an item or as direct swap for another skill/service, for instance a massage could be exchanged for some book keeping or gardening could be exchanged for ironing or baking a wedding cake.
3) Items and services can be exchanged for TCP (points) instead of a direct swap/loan of items or a service. These points can then be used to borrow or attain the services from other members.
4) A member can gift an item (offer it for free) they no longer require or as a gesture of kindness.
5) Volunteering. Earn TCP via participation on listed Volunteering projects. Follow the posts requirements to qualify. Then use your points to exchange on the Share Local platform.

The opportunities are only limited by our imagination. At the end of the day Share Local is the Freedom Economy facilitating community to barter and exchange achieving a win/win/win for the 2 parties involved and the earth by reducing over consumption and waste.

Is it safe to lend out my stuff?

Below are the ways we are creating a safe exchange platform;

1) Member Verification – via submitting photo id
2) Item Deposit – the lender can request a deposit held until the item is returned
3) Exchange Form – this is a formal contract/agreement signed by both parties outlining the terms of loan/exchange
4) Review/Rating – Once the exchange is complete both members can leave a review on the members profile

These elements offer piece of mind and security for both parties in the Share Local Exchange and builds trust for all members.

What else does the platform offer?

We also have groups on the platform to further engage the social component and encourage member interactions. We have groups for playing sports, dinner parties and spiritual pursuits. Members can suggest other groups to be created, we are happy to provide more opportunities to connect.