Limit Financial Impacts and Build Community by Sharing Items and Skills on


Interesting and unprecedented times we all find ourselves in as a global community in the midst of a plandemic. Never before have I witnessed an event that’s impacted on such a world-wide scale. Yes, of course there have been a number of world wars that have devastated countries and global trade but I’m not sure even war effected the level of closures and border controls we are currently witnessing in virtually all western countries and other regions. It’s quite astonishing! Next level…

The website you are currently visiting, was first initiated as a concept in October of 2018 to create a visually appealing and modern share economy platform, it was built over the next 6 months and then refined and rebuilt over the following 9 months to one day become a leading facilitator bringing households and community together by pooling and sharing resources such as items (owned goods) and skills (that you are qualified in) without needing money to initiate an exchange. I felt it was important to build a platform that offered this facility to exchange between members as i anticipated a future global crash resulting in financial and other restrictions (it was pretty clear that a global recession was imminent, however i did not think it would be initiated via pandemic). The current time seems to be what Share Local was built for, to assist the community and the earth by choice or by force to return to a more localised caring and sharing community. Sometime we need a push (or a kick up the ass) to reassess and change our dependence on global trade/commerce.

share economy

Share Local is open to individuals around the world to share items and skills with other members, in turn, enabling members to access items and skills that other members list without money or obligations. This is a platform to initiate compassion, kindness and sharing just like you would when dealing with family and friends.

To exchange an item on Share Local, (you need to become a member) one member lists items and skills they would like to offer as barter offerings by either Lending (as a direct swap or using the internal points system TCP), Trading (permanently exchanging the product) or Gifting the product for free.

Share Local is the Global Sharing Economy Platform in an eCommerce website layout allowing for immediate communication with other members, an internal points system facilitating intricate exchanging between 2 or more members, trust building features such as member reviews and member verification plus the ability to build friendships via our groups.

Re-think your attachment to Ownership and consider the benefits of Offership. Lend or Gift your Items and Skills and gain the benefits to access items and skills in your local neighborhood and across the world. The options to what you can offer and share is endless… it just needs to be legal!

The Share Local team wish you and your family safe travels in navigating the CV journey and the restructuring of the global landscape. We hope you will join us to further facilitate a cleaner, greener, compassionate sharing global community releasing financial chains, reducing over consumption and waste and limiting a products travel footprint.

Together we can create a vision of Freedom, Joy and Harmony 🙂

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