Loan your stuff
Borrow other stuff

We are a strong tribe of exchanging individuals who offer their stuff to access other members stuff!

About Share Local

Share Local brings community together to inspire and empower individuals and households to share goods and services in a way that increases prosperity and where competition is replaced with collaboration.

Share Local brings tribe together to share items & skills without money giving power back to the community and makes a claim of sovereignty by releasing financial limitations while creating joy, harmony and friendships.

Share Household Items and Skills

Imagine gaining access to a wide range of items for the house, garden or office and being able to book services including massage, beauty or bookkeeping without needing to look in the wallet or check your bank balance.

Share Local offers this opportunity to members. We are a Tribe of Gifting, Swapping and Trading individuals and households who see huge value in pooling resources and sharing with the community in an unrestricted way.

You can also help the community on volunteer projects and gain TCP for your efforts.

Welcome to the best way to pool resourcs for everyone to share.

Join the Club

Private member explained

Share Local is a platform to facilitate the sharing of items and skills between members by exchanging other means of value.

Share Local intends to evolve into a thriving community of sharing individuals and families wanting to create a new way of interacting and help build a community that sees the benefits in sharing skills, services, goods and resources to better our members and the earth.

Via direct swaps or using our internal points of value (TCP), we release controls and re-empower individuals to live in the Freedom Economy!

Members list items that they own or skills they are proficient in to exchange with other Share Local members. Value on items is applied using Tribe Connect Points (TCP). There’s no financial exchange for goods or services between members, exchanges are performed either by Gift, Direct Swap/Borrow or Trade using TCP. Members can accumulate any amount of TCP. A member earns TCP via Trades, listing products and interacting on the platform.

Members must have a minimum of 5 genuine item listings before a Trade with points is allowed to be made. This assists with building a strong and trusting platform for all members.

Please refer to our User Agreement and Terms of Trade prior to becoming a member.

A member subscription is required to use and interact on the platform.

Share Local members direct swap via lending/borrowing or trade with the use of Points known as TCP (Tribe Connect Points).

There are a number of ways to add to your TCP tally;

  • When you sign-up you are allocated 10 x TCP (TCP 10) to assist in your first exchange.
  • Listing an item (TCP 5)
  • Posting 3 products or services (TCP 20)
  • Adding profile pic and cover photo (TCP 8 each)
  • Successful completion of 5 trades (TCP 10)
  • Successful completion of 13 trades (TCP 30)
  • Interacting with members….

Members can also earn points via volunteering on projects listed on the Share Local platform. Check the individual posts for more info.

Most exchanges on Share Local are time based lending of an item where the item is returned, or in the case of services, a service/skill is exchanged for another service or item providing similar value.
At the bottom of this section we discuss it’s possible to also perform a permanent ownership exchange of an item.
Here are the ways Share Local facilitates sharing on the platform;


  • Share Local facilitates the opportunity to Gift an item to another member, a Pay it Forward gesture of generosity. It could be a book or tool you no longer require or it could be something you make and wish to do your bit of charity for the community. Gifting an item is rewarding for both the receiver and the giver. Pay it Forward, it’s a Win/Win!


  • Another way to share on the platform is a direct ‘Swap’ of your good or service for something another member has listed as a Swap/Borrow item. Contact the member who’s item you would like to Swap via Share Local messages to organise the exchange.
  • Children grow fast and their clothes become too small just as fast. Members can list their redundant clothes to swap for a different size of similar value as agreed. (these are permanent swaps)
  • Members can do a direct swap of a whole range of items, lend a camera and borrow a kayak. Need to borrow a bike for the weekend? Then offer something you have to complete the exchange such as board games, fishing gear or a gazebo etc… Don’t have anything the member offering the bike wants? Easy, borrow the bike using TCP, our points (currency) system provides a fair value of exchange.

Trade using TCP

  • Share Local member ‘Dave’ needs some painting done on his renovated house. ‘Sarah’ has painting skills and offers it as a service on Share Local for TCP70 per hour. Dave sees Sarah’s listing and clicks ‘Get Item’ to take up this offer. The purchase process is essentially the same as any ecommerce transaction however we use TCP instead of money as the ‘currency’.
    Dave uses the TCP he received when joining and when listing items to complete the Trade. Sarah will receive the TCP in her account for the hours of labour performed. The painting took 2 hours to complete so Sarah received TCP140 (approx. equivalent of $140) into her Share Local digital wallet. Sarah can now use her TCP to complete Trades on other member items.
  • Share Local member ‘Jim’ needs his lawn cut but there are no member listings for lawn mowing services yet, however ‘Dave’ has listed a lawn mower and a whipper snipper as  items for loan. ‘Jim’ is happy to do the job himself so clicks Get Item and follows thru the checkout to borrow using TCP. The tools are listed at TCP15 for 3 days. Jim needs both tools so TCP30 is credited to Dave’s wallet thru the checkout system. Jim then sends Dave a message via Share Local messages (our internal messaging network) to schedule a suitable pickup time.
  • Dave has listed multiple goods and services on Share Local including accounting and financial services… before too long he has accepted Trade Exchanges from several members and his TCP wallet has grown to TCP280. Nice sharing Dave!

Swap/Trade as Ownership Exchange

  • All exchanges discussed so far on Share Local are time based loans. The items need to be returned, or in the case of services performed, an agreed hourly service is exchanged with another similar value service or item.
    However you could perform a permanent exchange of an item (without using money) by agreeing with a member to perform a complete item(s) swap. T-shirt A for T-Shirt B, or a Trilogy of Books swapped for a handbag and shoes… etc, or you can use TCP to make the permanent ownership exchange.

There are lots of items that can be Gifted, Borrowed, Traded or Swapped on the platform including services you are skilled in, and a wide range of goods from basic household items to garden tools and machinery, clothes, business equipment, health and lifestyle goods, etc… It is up to the imagination of Members as to the range of items available to share through the Freedom Economy!

* The transfer of TCP from the Borrower is immediately deducted from their wallet and is deposited into the Lenders wallet. Should these TCP need to be modified to reflect changes in the exchange, we have a feature in Member Resources called ‘TCP Transfers’ where members can easily transfer points to another member.